Friday, January 25, 2008

Applying The Perfect Base For Your Make Up

The key to any professional make up look is getting your base right. If you apply your foundation and concealer correctly, your skin will look natural, smooth and unblemished. Get it wrong and you may end up looking like Dale Winton’s love child.

Fortunately, if you follow these 3 simple steps you can ensure that your foundation will always look natural and beautiful, giving you the base to perfect the rest of your look.

Stage 1 - Moisturize
5 minutes before applying your make up you should properly moisturise your skin as all bases will apply smoothly to well hydrated skin.
Remember to remove any excess moisturiser just before you start to apply your foundation as greasy skin will make the foundation slip and slide as you apply.

Stage 2 - Apply your foundation
The key to remember when applying your foundation is less is more. Never apply your foundation in large swathes, simply apply a few dots around your face and then blend together using either your fingers, or a foundation sponge.
Ensure the foundation is well blended around your hairline and jaw as these are the places where any joins are more likely to be noticeable. You should always choose a foundation which blends well with your skin tone and it is worth experimenting to find exactly the right shade for you.
Whenever possible you should apply your base in the same light as you will be wearing it, (i.e. for daytime use sunlight) as lighting does make a difference to your look.

Stage 3 - Apply Concealer
Again, you should use concealer sparingly to cover any obvious shadows (particularly under the eyes) and blemishes, which are showing through the foundation. Remember that in summer you may need to use a darker concealer if your skin is tanned.
Apply your concealer a few small dots at a time and blend with your fingers using a gentle back and forth dotting motion. Avoid pulling or rubbing the skin, particulary under the sensitive eye area.

Following the steps above and combining with high quality products will ensure you always have the perfect base on which to build your dream look.

Sal is a regular contributor to Girlz Night Magazine and has a passion for professional hair and beauty products that her credit card tells her she can’t afford.

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