Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Difference Between Lowlights and Highlights

The Difference Between Lowlights and Highlights
Difference Between Lowlights and Highlights. When getting hair color many often wonder what is the difference between highlights and lowlights. In the world of color its actually easier to tell the difference than you may think.
When you lowlight your hair you want your hair to appear darker and when you want your hair to appear lighter you highlight. Simple as that. Many will often do both to get  a range of hues in the hair. The one rule of thumb to remember is to never over lowlight your hair since this can take over your color. If you're trying to go for a overall darker feel to your hair skip the lowlights all together and just dye your whole head the color you are lusting for. You can then highlight to make certain areas lighter.
For dimension to your hair you should add highlights to break up the color. If you plan on using lowlights be sure to use a semi permanent color since overtime the color washes out, this way you can change your hair back if you're not loving the color. To make a semi permanent color fade quickly all you have to do is wash your hair many times for the color to wear off.

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